Morning Brief – Average Global Property Prices

Morning Brief – Average Global Property Prices

Mon 2 Dec 2019

Average Global Property Prices


Leading the pack with an average US$2091 per sq foot is Hong Kong. A long way behind are Singapore with $1063 and Paris with $985. London $776, Shanghai $714 and Shenzhen $726 follow with New York $526 and Los Angeles $466 at the rear of the leading pack. Remembering that these are average prices and given that Hong Kong is suffering from its biggest law and order crisis in a very long time, the questions of whether both the absolute level and the relationship with say Singapore can be maintained naturally arise. One London agent has been quoted as selling more than GBP 25 Million of Central London property to Hong Kong citizens looking to move to the UK in just the past few weeks. And on that subject, one London’s canniest property developers has called the bottom of the London residential property market this weekend on the basis that in a global context, it now represents good value.



Mergers and Splits;


Stressfulness in Order: Death, Marriage and Divorce


This time not in a corporate sense as the U.K. Office for National Statistics announces that the popularity of marriage has fallen by 50% from 1974 to 243,000 in 2018. As a consequence the divorce rate is at a low since 1971 at just 7.5 out of 1,000 marriages in 2018. By my calculation that makes 1822.5 divorces in 2018. That’s the thing about statisticians: they may have the advantage over the rest of us with numbers but they miss the bleeding obvious: half a divorce?!?!



The first US President to visit Ireland and when?


Surprisingly recent given the antecedents of so many US citizens-to be sure to be sure….

Definitely a good pub quiz answer to have handy. The answer?

The 42nd President of the USA William Jefferson Clinton on 1-12-95.



Dallas the TV series? Anyone remember?


Well it’s been a few years but it all came flooding back: the oil, the chicanery, the affairs, the skulduggery, the padded shoulders, JR, Sue Ellen, Miss Ellie, Pammie,Bobbie…any bells? 

This weekend saw Lucy Ewing the pint sized sex bomb(not my description) played by Charlene Tilton turn 61. That means she was only 16 when she was cast in the 70’s TV blockbuster. Yes it was in colour, you cynics! Just….!




Discussion and Analysis by Humphrey Percy, Chairman and Founder

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