This is the number of Basis Points between French and German Government Bond Yields and represents the highest level since 2012 which was the last time of a major EU crisis- which that time was Greece which had fallen from grace with the markets. Apart from this wide spread it is instructive as to what happens when a major nation power this time As France stops defying gravity, and markets demonstrate their resistance to its perceived lack of credit worthiness the France’s deficit is projected to reach 6.1% of its GDP by the end of this year versus the maximum EU limit of 3%. The ratio of France’s debt to GDP is predicted to reach 112.4% by the end of 2024. While PM Barnier’s budget is targeted to reduce that ratio by 5%, it is viewed as being unrealistic. All of that adds up to markets concluding that Barnier is past his sell by date and most insultingly to the French, that France is a modern version of… Greece.
EUR/GBP 0.8323.